Tuesday, 17 January 2017


Winter made its frozen fingers felt this last week with snow storm warnings keeping would be adventurers safe and warm in their hobbit holes and out of trouble. Of course those of us who either braved or fooled the elements met once more to see a Thursday evening out. As we were a rag tag selection of players across all of the games we availed ourselves of another board game, kindly brought along by Jamie, Lords of Waterdeep.

Much like a snooker referee bar the white gloves, Jamie steered us through a few disjointed and unfamiliar rounds of play before the penny began to drop and we started to play properly. Players are given a fixed number of rounds to place tokens in areas that gain them gold or 'adventurers' - basically little squares of different colours. Quest cards can be picked up, intrigue cards can be played affecting actions and property can be purchased to earn future rewards. During play points are awarded during some events but at the end of the game, large point totals are derived from the resources acquired over the rounds and quests completed.

At the end of the day the game doesn't really borrow anything from the D&D genre in which it is set and is more about decision making in a more classical board game sense - it certainly lacks a narrative. but its easy to compare everything to Talisman. Still everyone got involved and happily rolled their faces in gold at the end.

GM Jon has checked in regarding the Next Stat Trek module that is beaming in for the play test and I believe the Ravenloff is also on for this Thursday. I will pack another Chill, just in case.

1 comment:

  1. awwwww... I missed my chance to play Lords of Waterdeep :(


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